- Delaware Valley High School
- College and Career Information
- College Application Process
- Naviance Family Connections
User ID: your student ID number
Password: please see your counselor
*Use the link on the icon above - do not just "Google" Naviance - it will not work!
What is Naviance?
Naviance is a system we use which can help with a multitude of things; career exploration, college research, and college applications. This is the secure method we use to send your supporting documents to colleges, but not the applications themselves (either through the institutions admissions website OR Common App).
To begin the college application process, students will need to complete the "Brag Packet," and "Common Application" sections. Students, please DO NOT change your names in the My Profile section. Doing so would not allow the guidance office to match the transcript and common application correctly. Students may then begin using the "College Search" and "College Lookup" sections along with the "Request Recommendation" (after completing the Brag Packet) and "Request Transcript" options.
Please contact your counselor if you still have questions after reading and watching the Naviance Tutorial.
You can also review our written instructions on how to request transcripts and letters of recommendation HERE.