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Jon Almquist

Jon Almquist was a member of the Class of 1975 of Delaware Valley High School. His interest in athletic training and sports injuries led him to Pennsylvania State University where, in 1982, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation with an emphasis in Athletic Training. His career in athletic training began in 1983 where as a Certified National Athletic Trainer at George C. Marshall High School he administered a comprehensive health care program for all student athletes. In 2001, he was named chairman of a National Athletic Trainers Association task force to study appropriate medical care for secondary school-aged athletes. In that capacity, he dealt with issues that included Exertion Heat Illness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Since 2003 he has served on the Virginia Board of Medicine Advisory Board on Athletic Training where for the past six years he has been chairman. He serves on a multitude of committees that include the Editorial Board for Training and Conditioning, the Virginia High School League Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. He is a legislative member of the Virginia Athletic Trainers Association, serves as manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Athletic Training. He is also a member of the Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine. Additionally, he is an Adjunct Professor at George Mason University. Since 1999 he has served as Administrator for the Fairfax County Public Schools Athletic Training Program, a position that coordinates the athletic training healthcare services for more than 23,000 student-athletes within 25 high schools. He is a Hall of Fame Member of both the Mid Atlantic Trainers Association and the Virginia Athletic Trainers Association and was named Athletic Trainer of the Year by the Northern Virginia Sports Medicine Association. He has coordinated research grants to study Traumatic Brain Injuries in High School Lacrosse Players and Computerized Neuropsychological Testing Procedures. He is the author and coauthor of numerous articles dealing with issues that include head, face and eye injuries, concussions and post-concussion symptoms, and guides for the appropriate medical care of sports related injuries.