•  books

    WELCOME to Title I Reading!

    The Delaware Valley Elementary School is committed to providing exceptional reading instruction for Title I students. Title I is a federally funded program that provides additional reading instruction to students in grades K-5 who need an extra boost to meet their educational goals. It is our goal to help your child develop into a competent reader. We strive to share our love of reading with each student we assist. It is our hope to awaken the joy of reading for children…motivating them to become lifelong readers. 

    By searching this site, you will find many parental involvement pieces to access online. We hope that your visit will offer you helpful resources you might need to assist your child in becoming a lifelong learner! 

    If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us directly. 


    Title I Teachers

     Paige Padgett

    570-296-1820 ext.7190

    Mary Beth Pridham
    570-296-1820 ext.

    Kim Coello
    570-296-1820 ext.7200

    Jennifer Slain
    570-296-1820 ext.7183