• Title I Targeted Assistance Plan

    Delaware Valley School District


    Our primary goal is to provide reading support to students in our Title I schools. We hope to improve teaching and learning to enable these targeted students to meet the state academic standards. Our goal is to provide a well-rounded education to all students. Each fall all students in our Title I elementary schools are evaluated (three different age appropriate diagnostic measures) to determine which students will be served. Teacher and parent/family recommendations are also included.

    Identified students are then offered Title I services.

    Identified students include:

    · Children identified as most at risk

    · Any child who participated in Head Start within the previous two years

    · Homeless children 

    Title I resources are used to help students meet challenging academic standards. Title I methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic program of the schools through activities that include:

    Instructional Programs

    In Class Professional

    Pull Out


    Support Programs

    Development for faculty

    Parent Involvement/Training


    Title I program and services are coordinated with the regular education program. Professional Development is provided by our Title I teachers to faculty, support staff, administration and parents. Title I teachers also provide programs and workshops for families.

    The Delaware Valley School District (Local Educational Agency – LEA) assures:

    · Title I program helps to accelerate, high quality curriculum

    · Minimize the amount of time pulled out of the regular education classroom

    · Monitor Title I students on an ongoing basis

    Delaware Valley uses a combination of a pull-out and push-in model

    · Title I students are removed from the classroom for supplementary reading support for 30-40 minutes per day 3-5 days per week.

    · Title I teachers push into the regular education classroom to model instruction for the classroom teacher and/or provide small group support to students in the regular education classroom.

    All teachers and instructional assistants working in a Title I school are appropriately state certified.

    Title I teachers complete the Semi-Annual Certifications. No Title I reading teacher is 100% Title I but we complete the certifications and frequently update the documentation any time a Title I teacher’s schedule is modified. Title I teacher schedules are monitored and updated on a continual basis (as needed).

    The Title I Targeted Assistance program in the Delaware Valley School District strives to provide a “well-rounded” education. Title I provides remedial and prekindergarten education to those students who have been identified as needing these services.

    Some of the academic remedial reading programs include:



    DV-OG (push-in)

    Read Live

    Reading Wonders – Wonder Works

    Corrective Reading

    Phonics for Reading

    Comprehension Plus

     Each year we complete pre/post assessments to identify student growth.

     Fiscal Requirements include:

    Maintenance of Effort – level funding from year to year

    Comparability – spending for DVSD Title I schools is compatible to non-Title I schools

    Supplement vs. Supplant – allocation of per pupil expenditures is the same in the

    absence of Title I funds.

    Parent/Family Engagement

    1% of Title I funds are reserved for Family Engagement programs

    Fall and spring open house and workshop programs are offered to families

    Family Programs include:

    Explanation of the screening and placement process

    Review of the Parent Compact

    Program overviews

    Parent input on the Title I plan

    Parent Surveys

    Hands on activities/training

    Parent conferences