- Delaware Valley Middle School
- Case Management
Case Management Information and Resources
As your case manager at Delaware Valley, I will work with you, your parents, guidance counselor, and teachers to be sure you are receiving all necessary supports in order to be successful inside and outside of the classroom. We will also work together to be sure you are doing everything YOU need to be doing as a student to successfully progress through the school year. As your case manager, I will be available for conferencing with you throughout the school year and hope to see you at least a few times a week! If you need anything -- I'm always around! Don't be afraid to come find me!In this section, you will find various links to some useful documents pertaining to Special Education at Delaware Valley.*Adobe Reader may be required to view some of the documents below.Download Adobe Reader to your home computer by following this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/In this section, you will find various websites pertaining to Special Education.Special Education Websites- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Apraxia Kids
- The ARC: A National Organization on Mental Retardation
- ASHA: Language and the Adolescent
- Autism Research Institute
- Blindness Resource Center, NY Institute for Special Education
- Center for the Study of Autism
- Disability Resources, Inc.
- DO-IT Program (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology, University of Washington)
- EASI Equal Access to Software and Information
- Elementary Reading Programs
- IDEA Reauthorization Home Page
- LD Resources
- National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities (NICHY)
- Office and Special Education and Rehabilitative Service
- On-Line Asperger Syndrome Links
- Special Education for Special Children
- Americans with Disabilities Act