• T A T  U

    The Teens Against Tobacco Use club (T.A.T.U.) has a busy couple of months ahead of them.  We have just sent off a 30 second Public Service Announcement for a national Kick Butts Day contest.  The commercial focused on the fact that smoking is still allowed in casinos where non-smoking employees are exposed to lot of second-hand smoke.  We are also preparing for several activities that we will be undertaking on Kick Butts Day itself – March 21st.  We are attempting something new this year.  where we will present to students grades 2nd through 6th.We are going to Dingman Delaware Middle School during “Through with Chew” week (2/19 – 25th) to speak with the 7th and 8th grade classes about the dangers of tobacco use.  And, we also have a date with Delaware Valley elementary School on March 30th